About Cytora

Business went digital, risk didn’t

Insurance is vital to society, giving businesses the confidence to realise their ambitions in the face of uncertainty, but the underlying structure that insurance is served on remains analogue, eroding confidence in the insurance industry to scale to meet the rising level of risk, inhibiting growth and reducing profitability. The frictional cost of moving risks through the value chain means that up to 50% of premiums businesses pay for insurance evaporates as the pure cost of providing the policy, making insurance the highest cost of usage of any product in the world.

At the same time, the expectations of customers, brokers and insurance employees are changing, speed, flexibility and control over risk selection and the target portfolio matter most. Brokers demand fast speed of service which has become a core differentiator to win the right risks. To profitably grow, insurers need to scale judgment across a much larger volume of risks, guide scarce capacity to the right risks, progressively decouple premium growth from expense growth, and deliver out-performance in combined ratio through consistent risk decision making. To attract and retain the best talent, insurance companies need to deliver modern digital experiences to underwriters and claims adjusters that empower them to focus on risk decision-making while removing monotonous manual activities and data entry which are anachronistic in today's digital economy.

Our mission

A more impactful insurance industry

Cytora exists to help build a bigger, more impactful insurance industry where more risk can be transferred away from businesses that don’t want it to efficient financial markets. Our mission is to enable commercial insurers to become digital-first, accelerating the transition to digital risk flows that decouple premium growth from expense growth and as a result grow the impact of the industry overall.

About Cytora

Members of Cytora

Our team, advisory board and board is made up of insurance industry leaders and builders of some of the world's most successful technology companies. Together, we are creating a better way for risk to flow.

Richard Hartley

Co-Founder, CEO

Aeneas Wiener

Co-Founder, CTO

Juan De Castro


Tom Coward


Sam Lewis

VP of Product

Matthew Churchill

VP of Customer Success

Daria Kępa-Green

VP of Marketing

Zaheer Hooda

Head of North America

João Domingues

Security Director

Anais Marsac

VP of People

João Valverde

Back-End Engineering Lead

David Makuni

Front-End Engineering Lead

Pedro Vicente

Head of Platform Engineering

Lyle Fong

Partner at EQT Ventures

Martin Glen

Investment Director at Parkwalk

Paul Anson

Operating Partner, CIC

Paul Forster

Co-founder and former CEO of Indeed.com


Advisory board

Adrian Brown

Previously CEO at Towergate Insurance, CEO UK at RSA

Alan Morgan

Chairman MMC Ventures (prev.head of financial services at Mckinsey)

Bill Bloom

NED Aviva Canada (prev.NED Duck Creek, President EXL)

Bronek Masojada

Chairman at SiriusPoint. Former Group CEO, Hiscox and Deputy Chairman, Lloyds

Clive Buesnel

Managing Partner, Insurance Advisory Partners. Former CEO Tysers, Vice Chairman Deloitte

Emmanuel Clarke

Former president and CEO of PartnerRe

James Platt

Former Group COO and Chief Digital Officer of Aon

Jeff Hayman

Chairman at R&Q Insurance Holdings

John Bruno

President Xerox (Former Group COO Aon)

Karen Green

Former CEO of Aspen UK; Non-exec director at Phoenix Group Holdings and Admiral Insurance Group

Kelly Lyles

Board member at Convex and Howden. Former Chief Executive, Client and Country Management, AXA XL

Laurent Rousseau

CEO of Guy Carpenter EMEA and Global Capital Solutions and former CEO of SCOR

Thomas Huerlimann

Former CEO, Global Corporate at Zurich Insurance; Non-exec director at Hiscox


Our partners and investors

Our values

What makes us Cytorian

What can you do in a day?

We do rather than talk and take action rather than speculate. We will try things that fail and we learn faster by doing.

Make success inevitable

We have courage to take ownership, the grit to overcome obstacles and commitment to cross the finish line.

Individuals don’t scale

We strive to build something that is bigger than just one person, better than what we are each capable of, more impactful than we can imagine today.

We put customers first

Our highest priority is the success of our customers. We are genuine, committed and we strive for their success.

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