
Build your view of risk

Risk submissions arrive incomplete containing unstructured and heterogeneous risk data. Digitizing and turning submissions decision-ready requires different actions to be flexibly combined. The Cytora platform enables you to choose from a range of digitization actions to fulfil each schema field providing flexibility to build your own view of risk. Digitization actions include extraction, inference, enrichment, entity resolved and evaluated field types. The combination of multiple digitization actions within a single schema enables larger decision-ready schemas that contain all of the risk data required for decisioning, eliminating manual work, creating capacity and unlocking end to end automation.

File classification

Classify your intake

  • Classify risks into granular categories that reinforce your view of risk
  • Multi level category hierarchy enabling document types to be classified at a granular level
  • Define mappings between submission documents received and schemas to providing control and consistency over the source of risk fields


Extract key data fields

  • Natural language configuration with no training required enables you to fulfil your target data structure
  • Supports all field types and nested schemas for example - extracting a list of policy periods, each containing a list of claims
  • Multi-modal supporting all input formats, from text based, to tabular, to audio/video


Augment with internal and external data sources

  • Integration of external data sources to augment risk submission data and automate manual data look ups
  • Integrate internal data sources to enhance risk context and automate risk workflows
  • Preintegrated data ecosystem across commercial and speciality insurance

What our customers say

We pick better risks and with the speed, save operating expenses. Cytora means we can come to better underwriting decisions, save operating expenses, so we increase our margins."

Steve Blakey

President Starr Insurance Holdings

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