Digital risk processing
Commercial insurers tend to have good visibility of bound customers but lack of data between submission and bind. Manual workflows between submission and bind mean insurers are unable to answer important questions of how many submissions they receive each week, from what brokers, their submission to quote ratio and understand where to focus distribution growth to accelerate the quality of the risks they received. The lack of visibility leads to inconsistent broker service while delayed reaction times to changing levels of risk and market dynamics comprising loss ratios or leading to lost growth.
With Cytora, insurers have access to an integrated analytics layer across all workflows which comes out-of-the-box with key reports built for Commercial and Specialty insurance. Underwriting and Operations leaders can establish baseline performance metrics across new business, renewals and other workflows and set goals at multiple stages through the workflow to achieve the growth and performance required. Cytora sends all data used in risk processing workflows to any analytics platform or data lake empowering analytics teams to optimise key business processes and outcomes.
Business rules
Cytora’s live analytics layer enables insurers to optimise their end to end workflows enabling them to receive, quote and bind more of the right risks. Cytora enables real time insight into the efficiency and effectiveness of workflows and enables dynamic refinement of business rules including risk appetite, priority and complexity thresholds.
The Cytora platform enables insurers to operationalize multi-tiered operating models which scale finite underwriting capacity across higher volumes of risk.
Target portfolio
Portfolio optimization
Cytora enables underwriting and portfolio leaders to dynamically optimize their portfolio strategy. Digitizing all of the risk intake enables profitable and underserved risk segments to be identified where there is addressable demand from brokers. Changes in market dynamics and levels of risk can be identified at an early stage enabling risk segment growth targets to be updated and portfolio quality maintained in changing context of risk.
Scaling capacity
Operational optimization
Cytora enables operational leaders to optimize how they allocate team capacity to risk on a dynamic basis. Refining how risks are matched to team expertise or increasing capacity to address seasonal fluctuations helps process a higher volume of risks submissions each day at consistent decision quality. Bottlenecks in decisioning can be identified and routing rules refined, enabling insurers to progressively decouple the link between premium growth and expense growth.
We are investing in digital capabilities to unlock scalable growth, Cytora enable us to streamline key workflows enhancing efficiency and effectiveness and further developing how we use data to drive decision making across the group and accelerating our profitable growth.”
Chief Operating Officer
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